Somali Police Force and AMISOM conduct joint patrols in Mogadishu

The Somali Police Force and African Union Mission in Somali (AMISOM) Police unit say joint patrols are to be conducted through the Ramadan period, aiming to beef up security in Mogadishu city.
The patrols are held under operation ‘Secure Mogadishu’, which was launched as part of the joint AMISOM/SPF Police initiative on June 17, 2015 in response to the threat of terror attacks during the holy month.
The patrol teams are to operate on a 24-hour basis, to provide both proactive and reactive responses to security situations.
The Minister of Internal Security, Abdirisak Omar Mohamed has stressed the need to provide the best possible security to the public and dissuade would-be criminals with deployment of uniformed and plain-clothed police officers.
The Somali Police Commissioner Gen. Mohamed Sheikh Hassan has also indicated that the team would be relentless in combating crime.
“This is not the first time that that the joint operations unfold; but it’s the first time the word is out. We will be using officers from various departments to crack down on the rag-tag gang activities and pick up unwanted elements with due diligence to human rights,” he said.
Anand Pillay, the AMISOM Police Commissioner said, “Terrorism is currently at a peak and we are conscious that the city has been targeted in the past. There has been no specific threat yet due to increased policing; but we cannot afford to become complacent. Thus a decision will be taken as to whether the special operation will continue even long after the Ramadan season.”
A march-past parade that involved a display of capabilities was conducted to flag-off the operation with vehicles donated by partners.
The team mapped out the priority areas for increased policing, including covert operations to maintain security.