Somali President confirms support for the nominated Council of Ministers
The President, HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud confirms his support for the Council of Ministers, as nominated by the Prime Minister.
“I welcome the Prime Minister’s nomination. Now the Parliament must make its decision, as per the Provisional Federal Constitution.
“I am delighted that momentum has not been lost, and that government activities have continued during the past few weeks. Several important and urgent issues have been resolved, including the nomination of the Boundaries and Federation Commission and the nomination of the Oversight Committee members of the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission. Last week, we successfully hosted the first IGAD meeting to be held in Mogadishu in 24 years. Military progress has continued, and humanitarian and stabilisation activities continue apace.
“The past two years have seen much ‘behind the scenes’ work to create a functioning government. We must now urgently deliver on priority legislation, the establishment of the remaining commission, and facilitate the public consultations that will enable us to achieve the three intertwined strands of Vision 2016: the revision of the Constitution, state formation and preparing for national elections.
“The government must deliver improvements that impact the lives of Somalis. This means we must ensure the roll-out of stabilization initiatives that connect the government to citizens, finally defeat Al-Shabaab, root out corruption, build mechanisms to capture revenue that is then used to provide schools for our children, to create jobs for our young people and to ensure healthcare for our families. We must extract and put to good use Somalia’s ample natural resources for the good of all, and ensure the right environment for the private sector to flourish.
“The new government has a long list of priorities ahead of it, priorities that will require robust decision-making and a commitment to making things happen quickly. To that end, I look forward to the proposed Council of Ministers and the Ministers and their ministry teams swiftly getting down to business.”