Somali prime minister tours newly built senate house building in Mogadishu

Newly elected senators led by Somalia’s Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke have visited newly reconstructed building in Somalia’s capital city, Mogadishu which is intended to be used by the Upper House members.
Somalia’s ally Turkish government has reconstructed and furnished the building which is located in Shibis district for Somalia’s Upper House representatives.
The Prime Minister lauded the Turkish government and its people for their full support to the people of Somalia.
“It’s momentum to the Somali people as their new upper house body acquired this building and the building will be used senatorial sessions,” Sharmarke said.
The delegates, who, accompanied by the prime minister was other senators notable Sen. Abshir Bukhari, Sen. Abdi Ahmed Dhuhulow and Sen. Abdirisaq Jurrile.
The premises have well equipped and have meeting halls and other beautiful vicinities.
Currently, Somalia’s law making agencies are consisting of Upper House and a Lower House (House of the People).
Upper House will be instrumental in addressing constitutional challenges in the country leading to political stability.
Somalia has not had a popularly-elected government since 1969.