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Somali Religious Scholars Call for National Unity Amid Ethiopia’s Aggression

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Somali religious leaders have condemned the controversial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland saying that the nation should defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Addressing a press conference in Mogadishu Sunday, the scholars emphasized the importance of unity and vigilance in protecting both the country’s sovereignty and religious values.

They further expressed their support for Somalia’s growing relationship with Egypt and called for a unified stance to reject the agreement.

“We cannot accept this violation of our country’s sovereignty by Ethiopia. It is our religious duty to defend the independence and unity of Somalia,” one cleric stated.

They also called on all Somalis to stand firm in defending their country against any external threats, including those from Ethiopia, and any other entities with malicious intentions.

Tension between Somalia and Ethiopia stemmed from Ethiopia’s agreement to lease 20 kilometers of coastline from the breakaway Somaliland region in exchange for supporting its independence, a move that Mogadishu has condemned.