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Somalia Committed to Peace Building, President Mohamud Tells International Forum

Storyline:10th President

GOOBJOOG NEWS|OSLO: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has reiterated his administration’s commitment to stabilising Somalia and promoting peace locally and internationally.

While chairing a roundtable discussion on peace, security and economic dynamics, attended by representatives from the Federal Government of Somalia, Interpeace and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Luzern, Switzerland, President Mohamud said peace was paramount to Somalia’s recovery process.

In his opening remarks, the President highlighted ongoing peacebuilding efforts in Somalia under his vision of ‘Somalia in Peace with itself and Peace with the World’. He also emphasized the importance of WTO membership and the role of trade in addressing fragility and economic growth.

President Hassan further underscored the Government’s commitment to advancing peace and stability through the Trade for Peace concept. He emphasized efforts to consolidate reconciliation at both state and national levels, and ongoing stabilization efforts aimed at restoring crucial citizen centred services to help communities in newly liberated areas build sustainable and secure livelihoods.