Today in History 1948: Somalia popular freedom fighter Hawa-tako killed
In the midst of Somali people’s struggle to the independence, the main Somali party SYL was about to stage big demonstration in eve of the four power commission’s visit to Mogadishu.
Italian administration of Mogadishu was tipped-off about the news of the demonstrations organized by Somali independence movement SYL. To prevent the demonstrations the Italian governor sent a number of Police units and Somali mercenaries to block the happing of the rallies. In that morning without the knowledge of the Italian plan to disperse the peaceful demonstration hundred of Somali independence zealots came to pour the headquarters of the party. Hawo-tako was among those who came early morning to organize the demonstrations and her fearless record in facing colonial police gave her the reputation to be unchallenged. Colonial police Units and Somali mercenaries were late to reach the headquarters and just came after demonstrators start the rally in the center of the city.
When the news spread that the colonel Police surrounded the party headquarters and started molesting the security of the building, demonstrators divided to two main groups. One group started to quickly go back and reinforce the security of the building and the main group led by Hawo tako went to face off Italian police units fortified In Balji-arab. There a fierce battle broke out between the group led by Hawa-tako and Italian police. The battle took a half-day to end and all kinds of weapons used, bullets, arrows, broken bottles, knives and fist-fight. Finally Somali bare handed freedom fighters triumphed against well equipped colonial police. Although many Italian colonial police servicemen died in battle nevertheless Somali independence struggle lost one of its icons-the heroine and martyr Hawo tako.
In the post independence era her name and character lived in popular culture. Printed in backdrops, banknotes, streets and statutes named after her to honor her contribution to Somali independence struggle.
Today after 68 years of Hawa-tako bravery martyrdom Somalia is not in better shape. There are more foreign troops operating in the country than was in that day. Current Somali leadership and people should honor Hawa tako and her companion’s struggle by submerging all the differences and leading by example.
By: Abdi-Aziz Gurbiye