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Somalia Seek 5.6 mln USD to Boost Cholera Response

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: Somalia, in partnership with the United Nations have developed a six-month program that will cost 5.6 million U.S. dollars which is meant to boost cholera response across the country.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) at least nine people died of acute watery diarrhea (AWD)/cholera and 474 cases were reported between Jan. 7-13 as the outbreak spreads in Somalia.

The deaths reflect a case fatality ratio (CFR) of 1.9 percent, which is above the WHO emergency threshold of 1 percent, the UN health agency said in its latest flash update issued Monday evening in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.

“The current cholera outbreak is attributed to limited access to safe water, proper sanitation, primary health care services and lowered immunity among children experiencing high levels of acute malnutrition which lowers their immunity to cholera infections,” said the WHO.

The organization further says the worst affected regions are; Hiran and Middle Shabelle regions in central Somalia, particularly Beledweyne, Buloburto, Jalalaqsi, and Jowhar districts.

“The current outbreak is a continuation from 2023 when over 18,300 cases were reported, including over 10,000 children below five years (55 percent),” the WHO said.

Somalia has had uninterrupted AWD/cholera transmission since 2022 and in the Banadir region since the drought of 2017, according to the WHO.

In 2023, more than 18,304 cumulative cases and 46 deaths were reported in Somalia, including over 10,000 children below five years of age. Of the total, 499 cases were reported on Dec. 11-31 from 30 districts that were affected by drought earlier in the year, with an overall CFR of 0.3 percent.