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Somalia to Have Final Say on AUSSOM Contributing Countries-Foreign Minister


GOOBJOOG NEWS/MOGADISHU: Somalia will have the final say on which country will take part in the post-ATMIS security framework, Foreign Minister Ahmed Fiqi has said.

The Foreign Minister said Wednesday while addressing staff in his ministry that the Federal Government will decide which country will be allowed to take part in the yet to be unveiled African Union Support Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM).

“The decision on AUSSOM contributing countries rests with Somalia,” Fiqi said. The African Union Peace and Security Council early this month endorsed the formation of AUSSOM to replace ATMIS whose mandate comes to a close at the end of this year.

Fiqi’s remarks comes amid concerns as to whether Ethiopia, which is currently at loggerheads with Somalia will take part in the new security outfit.

In related remarks, the Foreign Minister lashed at Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed following his statement that Ethiopia has lost several soldiers in their efforts to bring peace to Somalia.

““Likewise, 2007-2008 Ethiopian troops led by the Tigray regime killed more than 20,000 people here, they destroyed properties and assets in big towns like Mogadishu; 800,000 fled because of those troops,” he said.

He said Ethiopia should not use the excuse to seize Somalia’s territory.