Somalia to investigate death of Mine action officer killed in Baladweyn

Somalia’s ministry for security has said the government will launch investigation into the case of Mahdi Hussein, a field officer with Mine Action Service who allegedly killed by government soldiers in Baladweyn town on Sunday.
Abdirisaq Omar Mohamed speaking to the media said government will seek to know the circumstances surrounding the death of the officer.
“We have appointed a committee which will launch thorough investigation into the case and the government will put more efforts bring before the justice those killed the officer,” said the minister.
He also said the government arrested two soldiers linked to the killing of Mahdi Hussein.
Tension has flared up in Baladweyn on Sunday after armed men from the late UN officer’s clan have blocked major roads and closed businesses, demanding the town’s administration to hand over the murderers.
Conflicting reports are accusing Hiraan governor Abdifatah Hassan Afrah to be behind the killing after he had reportedly personal arguments with the late official.