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Somalia’s Anti-Money Laundering Committee Issues New Sanctions List Targeting Al-Shabaab Commanders

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: The National Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Committee has Thursday released a new sanction’s list targeting eight Al-Shabaab commanders.

The list includes Al-Shabaab deputy leaders Abukar Ali Adan aka Abdullahi Garweyne who is in charge of planning and coordinating activities related to the armed awing and Mahand Abdirahman Warsame who leads the security, finance and information functions of the group.

The list also includes Mohamed Mire Jama aka Mire reported to be in charge of the regions and directs and leads the leaders of Al-Shabaab in the regions, Hassan Yakub Ali Bari, the leader of the Shura Council in charge of general strategy and decision making by the Shura.

Others are Yusuf Ahmed Haji Nunow aka Geescadde Bishar responsible for the security planning. He is tasked with planning, supervising and executing security operations as well as bombings and assassinations. Abdikarim Osman Jilaow aka Mustaf Caato is the head of the regional security branch and leads the security, bombings and assassinations in the regions.

Also on the list is Nur Abdi Roble aka Nuunule who is the head of Al-Shabaab in Mudug region and tasked with the group’s battles in the central regions. The Committee has also listed Bakar Bashe Adan Ahmed aka Sharrif whom it says is responsible for collecting extortions from merchants in the Bay and Bakool regions/

The committee also instructed all agencies to freeze the individual’s assets and issued a warning to all Somali business communities and citizens to avoid dealing with them.

The committee further instructed Somalis to report any transactions involving the named individuals to the Financial Reporting Center.