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Somalia’s Launch of Turkish Offshore Research Vessel to Unlock Path to Economic Transformation

Storyline:Business, National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS | MOGADISHU: The Oruc Reis Turkish offshore research vessel arrived Somali waters on Friday marking a significant progress toward harnessing the country’s vast economic potential.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, the ship will undertake the groundbreaking task of conducting the first-ever 3D seismic data collection in Somalia’s maritime territory.

The ministry adds that the exploration of hydrocarbons in the Somali Sea holds transformative possibilities for Somalia with the potential to uncover resources that can drive sustainable development and prosperity.

“We are optimistic that the research conducted over the next 5 to 7 months will affirm Somalia’s capability to establish a commercially viable oil industry. Such a discovery could fundamentally change our economic landscape, attracting new investments, generating employment, and fostering long-term growth,” the statement reads in part.

This achievement reflects President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s commitment to advance Somalia’s economic development, enhance security, and promote democratic values.

The President’s vision for a prosperous and stable Somalia continues to inspire bold initiatives like this one, steering our nation toward a brighter future.

The Federal Government of Somalia has expressed gratitude to the Turkish partners and all those involved in this vital project and expresses optimism about the positive impact this exploration will have on Somalia’s future.