Somaliland Assembly supports House election’s postponement

Somaliland assembly supported President Mahamoud Ahmed Silanyo’s decision to postpone parliamentary elections with a majority vote. The house, known as “Senate” voted this Saturday whether or not to postpone the elections of the assembly. 52 MP voted for postponement, five against and one abstained.
The President of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Silaanyo set presidential elections on the March.27.2017 while the Parliamentary elections postponed for unspecified period, citing the Parliamentary elections are not feasible with the current regionally inequitable seats distribution.
The main opposition parties denounced the decision to postpone the parliamentary elections and called the president to respect the calendar of the elections.
The International Community said it will not be able to fund the additional costs that the decision to delay the Parliamentary elections will incur following the breakaway Somaliland ‘s decision to postpone parliamentary elections.
“We call on the President to urgently set out a clear process, with timelines, to achieve a fair seat allocation formula and political representation for all Somalilanders in the election of their Parliament,” reads statement jointly issued by US, UK, EU, UN, SWEDEN, and DENMARK.
General elections were scheduled to take place in Somalialand on March. 27 but this decision by the president could lead to more heated political debate in Somaliland.