SOSCENSA calls the FGS to give the citizens access to the roads during the parliament meetings

Somalia South-Central Non-State Actors (SOSCENSA) has urged the federal government of Somalia to look solution for the obstruction of the main roads in the capital city, Mogadishu, during the parliament sessions.
The chairman of SOSCENSA, Abdullahi Mohamed Shirwa’a speaking to Goobjoog FM has requested the government of Somalia to come up with a possible solution the beef up the security during the parliament meetings, which will not curtail the movement of people and vehicles.
He added that the current applying methods of tightening the security of the town at any time the parliamentarians meet at the parliament house, can cause many challenges to the public as it restricts the movement people living the parliament neighbouring suburbs.
“I would have urged the federal government forces block up the roads at SYL monument” the chairman said.
Goobjoog News