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SOSCENSA Urges Auditor General To detail Corruption in Government Departments

Storyline:National News





Somalia South-Central Non-State Actors (SOSCENSA) members who met in Mogadishu have called for the auditor general Noor Farah Jim’aale to publkish the information related the investigations carried out by his office on some of the government departments which allegedly involve corruptions.
The meeting was focused wide range issues including abuse of power, tribalism, nepotism, lack accountability and transparency in the government offices.
Abdi Jamaa Geedi who spoke at the meeting has noted different types of corruption and mismanagement which some government officials exercise as normal as their duties.
Some individuals have since suffered various forms of injustice in varying degrees
“There are so many different corruptions and mismanagement which include nepotism, Embezzlement, mismanagement contracts , mismanagement of scholarships offered the government by its allies and even Some individuals have suffered various forms of injustice in varying degrees because they either minority or they do not have defenders” he said.
Adding “We urge auditor general to display the result of the investigation to public” he said.
The chairman of SOSCENSA Abdullahi Mohamed Shirwa’a has urged both the attorney general and auditor general to implement accountability and transparency as to show the public how their tax used.
This comes after Nur Jumale Farah, Somalia’s auditor general, said his office had investigated all 25 government ministries and would publish the findings when lawmakers return to the parliament next month following a recess.