Speaker Jawari meets elders and technical committee in Baidoa

The speaker of federal parliament of Somalia Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari who reached Baidoa, the headquarters of Bay region is taking separate meetings with the elders and the technical committee facilitating the formation of three regional state.
The speaker is expected to explain the motive behind his trip to Baidoa, but other reports indicate that a conference to elect the leader of South west Somalia-three regions is expected to open in Baidoa today.
The spokesman of the technical committee Siad Sheikh Dahir told the local media outlet that delegates from the three regions who are to elect the leader are already in the town.
He added that the draft constitution of the state will be approved by the elders during the conference that is scheduled to continue for a week.
On the other hand Madobe Nunow Mohamed , the leader of South West Somalia-six regions addressing crowds in Baidoa on Sunday announced that he will not compromise nor change his stand of creating six regional state in the region.
The past few weeks mass rallies in support of Madobe Nunow’s administration took into the streets of Baidoa a move that has intensified the political tensions in the region.
Despite the ongoing tensions in Baidoa the security is tight as government forces and AU troops are seen patrolling the major streets.