Speaker of the parliament congratulates Muslims on the Eid Occasion

On the eve of the Muslim’s sacred Eid ulfitra celebrations the speaker of Somali federal parliament, Mohamed Osman Jawari has sent congratulatory message to the Muslims around the world and in particular to the Somali People.
He extended heartfelt wishes to the people of Somalia as they celebrate Eid ul Fitri and urges Somalis to help one another.
“I convey to all Somalis and their families Eid Mubarak, all praise to Allah, may Allah accept our fasting, prayers” he said.
He added “I pray to Allah to reach the Somali people in peace, prosperity, development and put them out of the long-running hardships”
Somalis have been experiencing civil wars and other difficulties for more than two decades and the speaker said he hopes that next Muslim festival coincides with a time that Somalis are luxuriating in peace and development.
Muslims in Somali are celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
People are encouraged to forgive and wish each other a happy, peaceful and prosperous year.
Somali government officials have also taken part in mass prayers held in Isbahaysiga Mosque of the capital Mogadishu.
Families traditionally buy new clothes and prepare sweets to give out to relatives and neighbors while adults give money to the children.