Streamline training of Somali forces ahead of transition-AU

By T. Roble
The African Union Peace and Security Council has called for urgent streamlining of capacity building support for Somalia Security forces ahead of transition from Amisom.
The Council said Tuesday in a communique the training in particular of Somali National Army must be coordinated to ensure a coherent and strong force ready to take over from African Union troops who are gradually exiting the country.
While calling for funding to actualize the transition, the AU body also warned the transition must be orderly and gradual ‘in order not to compromise the gains already made and foster conditions conducive for the full implementation of the Transition Plan.
“Council emphasizes the urgent need for streamlined and coordinated capacity building for the Somalia National Security Forces, particularly the training support provided to the Army, with clear distribution of roles and responsibilities among stakeholders, including AMISOM,” the communique following the 769th meeting of the AU PSC read in part.
Somali security forces are currently trained by various countries including the US, Britain and Turkey which opened a military training academy in Mogadishu last year. UAE cut a training programme for the Somali army last month following a diplomatic fall-out between the two countries.
Preceding the High Level Security Conference in Brussels today, the Council also noted the transition must take into consideration the operational readiness of the security forces which was captured in the Operational Readiness Assessment conducted last year.
“Council stresses that the full implementation of the Somalia Transition Plan is dependent on fully addressing the challenges raised by the Operational Readiness Assessment of regional forces, completion of discussions on the Somali troop generation, training, integration, accommodation, equipment and logistical support for the tasks related to the transition.”
In the Assessment, the government noted Somali security forces were not capable and ready to fully take over from Amisom.
Prime Minister Hassan Khaire will be expected to brief the conference today on the progress made so far in implementing the Transition Plan and present the pilot projects within the framework of the Somalia Transition Plan.