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Sudan’s army says ousted Bashir is in military hospital

Storyline:National News, World

GOOBJOOG NEWS | KHARTOUM: The Sudan National Army (SNA) has said ousted former president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir is being held in a military hospital under police custody.

The army said in a statement that Bashir together with 30 others were moved to the hospital following recommendations by medical staff in Kober prison before fighting between the National Army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) broke out on April 15th.

There had been questions over the whereabouts of the former Sudanese strongman after reports that thousands of inmates had escaped from Kober prison – a high security facility where Mr. Bashir as being held since his arrest in 2019.

Two inmates who spoke to journalists Sunday said they had escaped along with thousands of others after fighting intensified around the prison but could not confirm whether Bashir had also escaped.

Sudanese media published a video showing people in white prison uniforms believed to be prisoners walking up and down inside the facility carrying their belongings and footage of fierce fighting around the facility.

Reports had emerged that Mr Bashir had been moved by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) led by General Abdel Fattah al-Buhran to an unknown location but a police source who spoke to the media on condition of anonymity said the former leader had been taken to a safe place.

“The police have taken necessary measures to secure the safety of former president Omar al-Bashir and members of his regime, who have been moved to a secure location. This move is also aimed at preventing them from fleeing the prison,” the police source said.

Bashir, a brigadier general who came to power in an Islamist-backed military coup in 1989, ruled Sudan for 30 years was ousted in a popular uprising in April 2019 and faced corruption charges and the death penalty, if convicted, for his part in that coup.

The 79-year old also faces International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants on charges of crimes against humanity, forcible transfer, torture, and rape.