6 killed, 13 injured in Mogadishu’s suicide attack

GOOJOOG NEWS/MOGADISHU: A suicide bomber blew himself up this morning at a police station near the El-Gab intersection in Mogadishu, just a few meters away from the entrance gate of the presidential palace.
According to medical sources, the number of those killed in the suicide attack currently stands at 6 while 13 others have sustained wounds of varying degrees.
Initial reports said that the suspected Al-Shabaab operative was targeting a bus carrying electoral delegates from Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland although it is yet to be confirmed.
A statement from the Somali police spokesman, Abdifatah Aden Hassan, said that the suicide bomber blew himself up in a car among civilians.
The explosion happened at a security checkpoint while the capital was hosting Parliamentary elections today at the General Kahiye Training School in Mogadishu.
Somalia has seen a rise in bomb attacks even as Parliamentary elections are ongoing. A mortar attack in Barawe yesterday killed 4 civilians as elections took place in the coastal city.