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The first batch of Eldahir-Erigavo road construction equipments reach Bossaso port

Storyline:National News

The first batch of construction equipment of El Dahir-Erigavo road had reached Bossaso, Puntland’s main commercial capital.

Consisting of heavy heavy vehicles, lorries and others construction equipments, the boatload of the shipments have docked at Bossaso seaport on Saturday.

Speaking to the press, Eldahir-Erigavo road construction commission hailed the arrival of the equipment.The commission said that the construction of the road which will connect, Bossaso, Bari Provincial capital to Erigavo, Sanaag provincial capital, will commence on early April as final assessment is scheduled to conclude on March.

Under the “Puntland Ha-Isku Tashato” {Puntland Should Depend on Itself}  Initiative which has been introduced by the President of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, this road is expected to serve as the longest rural road built by the government of Punltand.

The construction of this road which extends approximately more than 150-Km approaches amid intensive efforts to improve the infrastructure of Puntland remains at its peak.