The government sets new police post in Adale and Warsheikh districts

The provincial police commissioner of Lower Shabelle region Col. Khaliif Abdullahi Artan stated that they would soon deploy police forces to Artale and Warshiekh districts in Lower Shabelle.
These districts come under the control of federal government of Somalia few months ago after Al-shabab fighters who were administrating them driven away by thethe government forces backed by AMISOM troops.
On other hand Khaliif was asked during his interview to Goobjoog FM if there was any plan of deploying police forces in Mahaday district which the government took over before these districts.
“The government intends to set a new police post in Mahaday district and a new police commissioner of that district is already appointed, the commissioner and his members would soon reach Mahaday” Mr. khalif said
The federal government of Somalia did not complete its administration over these districts fully thought the district commissioners were appointed.