The leader of South West Somalia-three regions due to be elected

The technical committee facilitating the formation of South West Somalia state said that the process of creating the regional state is at its final stages and the delegates are ready to elect the leader.
The vice chairman of the technical committee Siyad Sheik Omar stated that the constitution of the regional state was completed and waits approval.
He added all the delegates from the three regions Bay,Bakol and Lower Shabelle regions are in the conference to elect the new leader of South West Somalia-three regions.
On the other hand, Mr. Siyad confirmed that many politicians who were supporting Madoobe Nunow Mohamed, the leader of South Somalia-six regions are now taking part the conference.
The other side led by Madobe Nunow Mohamed said they will not compromise nor change their stand adding that their administration has full confidence and operates as per the will of the people.
The few months Baidoa has witnessed series of protests that has raised the tensions between the two administrations in the town.