The Youth is the Backbone of the Nation Says PM Kheyre
The security and development of Somalia depends on the strength of the youth and without their contribution no progress can be realized.
This was said by Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre while speaking in an event titled “The Benefits of Educated Youths”. He also touched on the strength of the youth that if they fully participate in the government can lead to prosperity in terms of economic boom and good governance.
“If you believe that this country is solely made up of unpaved streets, bullets and tribalism then you must refer to history. Our county used to be the pride of Africa. It was the first country to hold democratic election. Remember youths are the backbone of the state.” said the PM Kheyre.
On his side, the Governor of Banadir who is also the Mayor of Mogadishu Tabit Abdi spoke of his positive feeling that the challenges faced including the economy and insecurity can be overcome by the youth working with the government and to be ready to serve in the national service and contributing to prosperity.
“As the Administration of Banadir region, we are ready to play our role to benefit the youth. Besides, our vision that is to be realized soon as a region among them is job creation that has the first priority in our vision to encourage the Somali business community and foreigners to investment hugely (in the country)” said Governor Tabib.
The Federal government of President Farmajo normally stresses on the need to create jobs for the Somali youth.