Thousands of Somali Students sit for their final leaving school exam

About 20000 of Somali Students sat for their final leaving school examination in the capital Mogadishu and major towns in the south and central Somalia today according to the Ministry of Education, Culture and higher Education today on Monday.
The exams, which are the second government examined since the collapse of the government in 1991 will take place in 45 centres.
Security forces have been deployed to beef up security and thwart any threats where the examinations are taking place.
Somali ministry of education wished the students to excel in the ongoing examinations which will better enable them to secure employment across the country and abroad.
The umbrellas are a collection of private schools which set their own syllabi and administer final exams. However, students travelling out of the country for studies have to get a government certificate upon payment of $20 fee.
The government is working towards streamlining the education system and centralising exams to avoid students carrying different certificates. However, umbrellas have been reluctant to let go of their function to administer exams noting it had been filling the gap for over two decades and should be allowed to continue.