Three killed in clan clashes in central Somalia

At least three people including combatants and civilians were killed and over ten more wounded in clashes on Saturday between rival clans in Somalia’s central region Hiraan, residents said.
The two clans have been fighting over land and water in Hiraan region in the past few weeks.
The latest clash happened at a village, 20 km west of Beledweyne town.
One of those killed is a soldier who dead after Somali National Army troops reportedly tried intervened to quell a deadly inter-clan confrontation at the village.
A military officer said that the fighting was over after the troops quelled the deadly inter-clan confrontation in the village as the traditional elder trying to bring together the clashed clans.
“Soldiers soldiers have been deployed in the battled zone and Traditional clan elders are trying to mediate between the warring sides” said the mayor.
Residents said the fighting had stopped but more was expected as gunmen had been flowing into the area.
Hundreds of residents fled the village as their herds scattered because of the loud explosions.