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Ties with FMS intact, resolving Puntland row soon, President Mohamud says

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS|MOGADISHU: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has denied claims of a rift between the Federal Government and Federal Member States noting that his administration was focused on forging close working relations with the regional governments.

Speaking during a first-of a-kind townhall meeting where he fielded questions from journalists and members of the public Monday night, the President said the dispute with Puntland will be resolved soon.

“All the Federal Member States have attended previous Consultative Council meetings except the one in Baidoa where Puntland skipped, the President said noting that three Federal Member States had been assigned to resolve the issue.

During the Baidoa conference in March, the Council tasked HirShabelle’s Ali Gudlawe and his Galmudug counterpart Ahmed Qoorqoor to engage President Abdullahi Deni of Puntland. The Puntland leader had earlier distanced himself from the NCC noting he can only engage directly with the Federal Government.