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Traders Keep Off Somalia’s Largest Market as Government Implements Tax Measures


GOOBJOOG NEWS/MOGADISHU: Somalia’s largest market shut down on Sunday as a strike by traders commenced following the implementation of tax measures by the government.

A spot check by Goobjoog News showed most shops remained closed in Bakaro Market with only a handful operating as traders kept off business following failed interventions by the government.

The traders make good their threats to suspend operations following the coming into force of a sales tax imposed by the government as part of revenue raising measures.

The government announced a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) sparking protests by traders who claimed they were not consulted. The measures have taken effect across the country despite pushback from Federal Member States such as Puntland and Jubaland.

A similar strike was witnessed in 2018 when the government implemented that year’s sales tax.

A meeting Saturday between the Prime Minister and traders failed to reach an amicable solution leading to suspension of business today.