Traditional elders intervene to end conflict in Lower Shabelle

The traditional elders in Lower Shabelle region have called for an end to clan conflict in the region which has now claimed dozens of lives and displaced many others from their homes.
Haashi Dhega-Aded speaking to Goobjoog News said that they sent delegates to ease the tension and hostility in the countryside as he expressed hope that the sides will come together and discuss on their differences.
“The raids are over political issues, you see people dying while other are claiming ownership the areas. As the traditional elders, we see these things as organized clashes either the regional state or from the federal government” he said.
he added “We will try our best to settle down this case between brotherly clans in the way that is acceptable to both of them”
The recent clan clashes in Lower Shabelle region particularly Wanlaweyn, Kunturawaaray and Bulla-Marer localities have claimed the lives of many people mostly sides.
The federal government has severally created committee comprising of ministers and politicians to resolve the repeated clan clashes in the region but nothing much was done.