Trump fires communications director Scaramucci in new White House upheaval

U.S. President Donald Trump ousted recently hired White House communications chief Anthony Scaramucci on Monday over an obscene tirade, sources familiar with the decision said, in the latest staff upheaval for the six-month-old administration.
The move, coming just 10 days after the Republican president named Scaramucci to the post, took place on the first day of work for Trump’s new chief of staff, retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, who sources said was seeking to impose order on a White House riven with factions and backbiting.
“There’s a new sheriff in town,” said Barry Bennett, a former Trump campaign adviser.
A Republican close to Trump said the president fretted on the weekend over what to do about Scaramucci, calling his advisers to ask their opinion, all of whom told him the tough-talking aide had to go.
Trump was annoyed about Scaramucci’s lewd comments to The New Yorker magazine published last Thursday and at how the abrasive New York financier appeared to inflate the strength of their friendship, since he had started the 2016 presidential election cycle as a fundraiser for two Trump rivals, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush.
Trump decided it was time to cut him loose, the source said.
Kelly, who also wanted him removed, summoned Scaramucci to Kelly’s office on Monday morning and fired him on the spot, the official said. It was one of Kelly’s first acts as chief of staff.