Turkey announces $4m support to Somalia polls budget

Turkey will provide $ 4 million to finance Somalia’s elections and ensure the elections are secured from any forms of insecurity, Turkish ambassador to Somalia Olgan Bekar has said.
Bekar said the elections were a turning point for the Somalia’s history noting his country was keen on supporting Somalia to ensure the elections are conducted in a transparent and secure environment.
“We attach great importance to the security of the election and to ensure the necessary funds for election budget. In this regard I would like to announce Turkey will provide 4 million dollars budgetary support to the Federal Government next week,” Bekar said during the marking of Turkey independence anniversary in Mogadishu.
Bekar observed the elections are an important component of Somalia’s recovery process and that all parties involved must put efforts to actualize the dream of a transparent and fair poll in Somalia.
“2016 will be a real threshold moment for in state building and peace building process in Somalia. We call all stakeholders to seize the momentum and activity engaged with the view to achieve an inclusive, fair and credible election process,” the envoy added.
Turkey’s contribution to the electoral process in Somalia adds to a list of other development efforts Turkey has put into Somalia’s recovery.
In the last five years, Turkey’s development aid support for Somalia has hit a $100 million mark in security and socio-economic spheres.
Somalia’s electoral budget is estimated at $14 million with 60% to be contributed by the international community while the Federal government is expected to offset the remainder.
Bekar stressed the elections should be led and owned by Somalis to ensure public confidence in the process.
The elections should be free from any kind of manipulation. The election process should be Somali led process and conducted under Somali ownership, the envoy noted.