Turkey’s aid and projects across Somalia
After the arrival of Turkish Prime Minister Reccep Tayyib Erdogan in Somalia 19 August 2011 Turkey continued the aid assistance and developmental of projects which have never been seen before.
Although we have not comprehensively registered all the projects carried out by Turkish government here we have documented some of the major ones.
1. The private companies and Turkish government contributed $360 million to Somalia which to manage the famine in the country.
2. In 2010, Turkey hosted international conference to seek grants for Somalia and remarkably attended by 57 countries.
3. Turkish Red Crescent which has been operating in Somalia for the last three years brought almost ten vessels of relief aid comprising of sugar and flour.
Turkish Red Crescent contributed food aid to all regions of the country with the exception of Mudug and Galgaduud. Furthermore Turkish Red Crescent provided tents and built latrines for the displaced people at Rajo camp in Mogadishu and commenced monthly food aid distribution and feeding centres.
In Hamar-weyne district Turkish Red Crescent located a feeding centre providing food aid to 14,169 people on a daily basis. The centre distributed 11600 loaves of bread and meat to displaced people and orphans.
Medical Assistance
1. The largest health project implemented by Turkey in Somalia is the reconstruction Digfer Hospital which was modernized to the tune of $30 million. The hospital ranks as one of the best in the Eastern Africa.
2. The government of Turkey is now implementing a project costing $4.5 million to construct a medical training school which will be used to train medical students.
3. Turkey has been consistent in providing free medical assistance to Somali authorities and the general public.
4. Turkey is currently funding the construction of a children’s hospital in Mogadishu.
1. The Turkey government has provided scholarships worth $70 million to 1500 Somali students consisting of different levels.
2. Over 1000 Somali students were sent to Turkey to learn Turkish language and immediately they returned home they were employed in Turkish agencies as translators.
3. Turkey government has built up to nine learning institutions across the country including private schools and orphanage schools including aviation training school which the only one in the country.
Diplomatic Relations and Agreements
1. Turkish government became the first foreign administration to resume formal diplomatic relations with Somalia after the civil war. Turkey re-opened its foreign embassy in Mogadishu with the intention of more effectively assisting in the post-conflict development process and Somalia also maintained an embassy in Ankara. The diplomatic mission was led by Ambassador Mohamed Mursal Sheikh, with Abdukadir Mohamed Nur serving as First Secretary.
2. In March 2012 Turkish Airlines became the first long-distance international commercial airline in two decades to resume flights to and from Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport
3. In May 2010, the Somali and Turkish governments signed a military training agreement and Enforcement of the pact officially began in November 2012.
The treaty includes joint-service exercises between both national militaries and exchanges of delegations and personnel. It also encompasses training by the Turkish Military Medical Academy and Mapping General Command, between the gendarmerie and coast guard, as well as in-field training and education at national military installations and institutions.
4. In February 2014, Somalia signed a follow-up military agreement in Mogadishu with Turkey to commence a training regimen in Somalia for a portion of the Somali National Army.
5. Turkey hosted reconciliation talks between Somalia and Somaliland which ended with the signing of an agreement between the two parties.
6. Turkey government officially invited Somali elders, civil society, the Somali Diaspora, business and leaders in their country.