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Two of Three Somaliland Journalists Arrested Over Ethiopia Red Sea Deal Reporting Released

Storyline:National News

GOOBJOOG NEWS|HARGEISA: Two of the three journalists arrested in Somaliland over the reporting of the controversial Ethiopian naval base dal have been released.

The Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) said this morning that the journalists- Abdinasir and Mohamed Abdi Abdullahi Andar were released without charges. The third journalist, Mohamed Abdi Ilig, who is the manager of MMTV was yet to be released.

The media watchdog said it was pushing for the release of Ilig. All three journalists work for MMTV, a television station based in Somaliland.

Somaliland authorities have come under sharp criticism following the arrest of the journalist. The Federal Government in Mogadishu condemned the arrests noting, ‘’ the desire for justice and protection of Somalia’s territorial integrity cannot be suppressed or silenced by force.’

The journalists were picked by police following their coverage of the rejection of the Somaliland-Ethiopian deal by the Federal Government.