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U.S Deeply Concerned with Political Turmoil in Somalia

Storyline:National News

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Office of the Spokesperson

For Immediate Release


November 10, 2014

U.S. Deeply Concerned with Political Turmoil in Somalia


The United States notes with concern the recent political turmoil in Somalia.  Actions to put forward a parliamentary motion for a vote of no confidence in the prime minister do not serve the interests of the Somali people.  The United States remains neutral in the dispute between the president and prime minister.  We are committed to the principles of the New Deal Compact which aims to build a sovereign, secure, democratic, united, and federal Somalia.

Because Somalia’s leadership is distracted with political division, the United States currently does not see the utility in sending a delegation to the High Level Partnership Forum on Somalia, which will meet next week in Copenhagen to review progress under the New Deal.  We stand with the international community in urging the Federal Government of Somalia to implement fully its Vision 2016 plan and rise above the political differences that divert from the important work of unifying the country under a federal framework.

