U.S to promote resilience and humanitarian crisis in Somalia

US Ambassador to Somalia Donald Y. Yamamoto held a roundtable discussion with organizations that work with the people and government of Somalia to overcome humanitarian crises.
Joining Ambassador Yamamoto were representatives from the UN World Food Program, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, UNICEF, Mercy Corps, International Medical Corps, UNHCR, and IOM. Each expressed commitment to promoting resilience in Somali communities so that future humanitarian crises can be averted.
The United States is the single largest donor responding to Somalia humanitarian and protection crises, providing more than $433 million in humanitarian assistance in Fiscal Year 2018.
We connect with communities and other partners to provide emergency food assistance, safe drinking water, and shelter; address acute malnutrition; and respond to urgent health needs, including cholera and measles outbreaks.
We also provide assistance for repatriation and reintegration for Somali nationals who seek to return home to Somalia.
The United States remains concerned about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Somalia resulting from cycles of drought and floods, as well as protracted conflict.
Approximately 4.2 million people still need humanitarian assistance, and 2.6 million people—or roughly one in five—are internally displaced.
For 2019, the United States prioritizes emergency response needs for Somalia and urges other donors and organizations to sustain assistance to the most vulnerable this year.
We encourage contributions from donors to ensure Somalia continues to improve humanitarian conditions and build resilience.