UK Ambassador congratulates Somalis on Eid al-Fitr festival ( Video)

UK ambassador to Somalia, Ms Harriet Math has congratulated Somali people on Eid Festival which Somalis and other world muslims are marking today.
“As we come to the end of Ramadan and start to celebrate Eid-ul- fitri, i want to wish people of Somalia Eid Mubarak” she said.
She highlighted that she was delighted to arrive in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia as British ambassador to Somalia.
“I am really looking forward in short term to celebrate with people of Somalia and in the long time to with Somali people to rebuild this wonderful and peaceful country”
She said that she came from UK with strong message of commitment from UK government through working in partnership with the Somali people and Somali government to help build prosperity and stability.
On 16th March this year, UK appointed Ms Harriet Mathews as UK Ambassador to the Republic of Somalia in succession to Mr Neil Wigan, who was tranfered to another Diplomatic Service appointment.
Ms Harriet served as a diplomat in the British Foreign ministry since 1997 and has been recognised as an expert on African issues, with recently working on the global fight against the deadly virus, Ebola.
Muslims in Somali are celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
People are encouraged to forgive and wish each other a happy, peaceful and prosperous year.
Somali government officials have also taken part in mass prayers held in Isbahaysiga Mosque of the capital Mogadishu.
Families traditionally buy new clothes and prepare sweets to give out to relatives and neighbors while adults give money to the children.