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UN Chief Calls for Ramadan Cessation of Hostilities in Sudan


UNITED NATIONS, Xinhua: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for the cessation of hostilities during the holy month of Ramadan in Sudan.

“I call on all parties in Sudan to honor the values of Ramadan by honoring a Ramadan cessation of hostilities. This cessation of hostilities must lead to a definitive silencing of the guns across the country, and set out a firm path toward lasting peace for the Sudanese people,” he told the Security Council.

The values of Ramadan must prevail, he noted.

Next month will mark one year since the outbreak of brutal fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The conflict has taken a devastating toll on the people of Sudan, imperiling the unity of the country. There is a serious risk that the conflict could ignite regional instability of dramatic proportions, from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, he warned.

Now is the time to lay down the weapons as the humanitarian crisis in Sudan is reaching colossal scales. Half the population — some 25 million people — need life-saving assistance. Over 14,000 people have been killed, although that number is likely far higher, he said.

Sudan is now home to the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, with 6.3 million people seeking safety within the country since the beginning of the conflict. Another 1.7 million people have fled to neighboring countries, said Guterres.

The conflict has destroyed civilian infrastructure and brought basic services to a standstill. More than 70 percent of health facilities in conflict-affected areas are not functional. Millions of children are out of school. Water and sanitation systems are breaking down. Diseases are multiplying. Hunger is stalking Sudan. Some 18 million people are acutely food insecure, the highest number ever recorded during a harvest season, he added.

“A Ramadan cessation of hostilities can help stem the suffering and usher the way to sustainable peace. Let us spare no effort to support the people of Sudan in their legitimate aspirations for a peaceful and secure future,” said Guterres.

He welcomed regional and international efforts to resolve the conflict in Sudan, including through the efforts of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

“The United Nations stands ready to intensify the engagement with our multilateral partners, including the African Union, IGAD, the League of Arab States, and key member states, to take urgent action toward a durable cessation of hostilities and an inclusive, coherent, complementary and effective international mediation. These efforts must draw in regional states with tangible leverage on the warring parties to end the fighting,” he said. ■