UNICEF Appeals for 535.3 mln USD for Ethiopia Humanitarian Aid Needs

ADDIS ABABA: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Tuesday appealed for 535.3 million U.S. dollars to provide vital assistance and protection to around 20 million people in Ethiopia in 2024.
According to UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) document it published, it requires the funds to meet the needs of tens of millions of Ethiopians including 15.4 million children and nearly 4.4 million displaced people.
“The 2024 HAC appeal requests the funds to ensure critical humanitarian assistance reaches the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach population nationwide and helps to strengthen their resilience,” the UN agency said. “UNICEF’s comprehensive support will include the treatment of severely malnourished children, support for out-of-school children to return to school, water services, mental health support as well as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of children associated with armed groups.”
On Thursday, UNICEF released a report warning that the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia has been further worsened due to climate-related shocks.
It said the flooding has severely affected more than 1.5 million people across parts of southeastern Ethiopia, displacing over 600,000 people, causing the deaths of 57 people and thousands of livestock, as well as damaging and destroying infrastructure and crops.
Source – Xinhua