UNSOS holds communication training for AMISOM Public Information Officers

United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) a four-day training workshop for AMISOM Public Information Officers.
The workshop, which was aimed at improving communication skills was concluded on Saturday
The information officers, drawn from all military sectors under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), were taken through best practices in crisis communication and taught how to use modern technology for effective communication.
AMISOM Spokesperson, Lt. Col Joe Kibet, said the training was critical, adding that the participants will apply the skills acquired to enhance communication in the Mission’s military component.
“For the last four days we have been training our public information officers and the purpose of the training was to help them improve their skills in management of information. They also learnt new skills on the latest technologies in public information,” Kibet noted.
The training was also intended to come up with a uniform communication structure to enable public information officers effectively articulate the Missions’ activities in Somalia.
“In the past we have had differences in the way we manage, share and communicate our information. Therefore we saw the need to get together and harmonize our ways so that our information comes out clearly, is well understood and we are able to communicate with the Somali public in one voice,” Lt. Col Kibet noted.
In addition to learning new skills, the officers also received modern equipment, which they will use for information gathering and dissemination.
“We have given them equipment which can be used in the field. This is an ongoing effort and we see ourselves in future equipping our sectors and public information officers with sufficient equipment to help us capture the information needed,” the spokesperson observed.