Up to 30 members of Federal Parliament warn Somali government delay on elections

Up to 30 members of Somali Federal Parliament issued press statement on this Saturday calling Somali government to make all the necessary preparation for parliament elections before August 2016. the press statement released in Nairobi- the capital city of Kenya, where wide consultation meetings between members of Federal parliament have been going on for the last two days.
The MPs asked Somali government and international partners to give enough attention to hold parliamentary elections on the scheduled time and warned that any delay could lead political instability in the country.
Somalia will elect bicameral legislature that consists of lower house of Parliament with 275 seats and upper house of parliament with 54 seats.
The MPs also urged Federal Government, the Somali people and the international community to provide emergency assistance to the people in drought affected regions in the country.
Somali Independent electoral Commission earlier complained to Somali Federal parliament lack of empowerment and blamed Federal government and regional states for undermining the commission.