US fighter jets destroy Shabaab camp in Somalia

US suspected gunships carried out an airstrike on Al-Shabaab training in Torotorow village of Lower Shebelle region, killing number Al-Shabaab fighters.
Locals said fighter jets had attacked a camp on Monday night where Al-Shabaab was recruiting new fighters.
A military source said that several Al-Shabab fighters were killed in the attack and number of vehicles destroyed.
“We received reports that a foreign warplane had bombed an Al-Shabaab camp near Torotorow village, leaving several militants dead and destroying cars used by the group,” said the sources.
Another military source said although an assessment was still underway yesterday; the airstrikes destroyed six targets, which included technicals (pickups with mounted machine guns).
The strikes were among the largest in a string of attacks that have claimed some of the militant group’s top leaders in recent years,
Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab, which once ruled much of Somalia, wants to topple the Western-backed government in Mogadishu and drive out AMISOM peacekeepers also made up of soldiers from Kenya, Djibouti, Uganda and other African nations.