Youth volunteers serve city dwellers with iftar food

Somali youth made of girls and boys volunteered to serve city residents in the streets with food especially during the evenings in this holy of Ramadan.
They normally target those travelling in public transport, shopkeepers, pedestrians who can’t make home in time and vagabonds.
The youth volunteers initiated this humanitarian drive by themselves and they collect funds among themselves.
Mustaf is one of the youth who volunteered to serve in this rare noble cause and explains that they normally start this activity on the month of Ramadan and are currently in their second year since its inception.
“We target people standing at the crossroads, those on board in vehicles who can’t make it to their homes in time, the needy in the streets. This is a new program in Somalia and we mimicked from the Middle East” said Mustaf
According to the volunteers, the reason behind this action of helping the people is to portray a positive image to the world to change their view on Somalia as a country of emaciated faces solely relying on international aid to one that its people are helping one another.
Some of the volunteered youths mentioned their readiness to feed their fellow citizens can be a morale booster and play as a role model for other youths to feel how local people can support one another.
The volunteered youth feed people between 600-1000 in the evenings comprising of motorists, pedestrian and the beggars in the streets of the city.
Goobjoog News