Aamin Ambulance to offer medical emergency training in schools in Mogadishu

The ministry of Education and Mogadishu based medical emergency service provider Aamin Ambulance Service have initiated a joint collaboration on first aid and emergency response training in schools and universities in Banadir region.
Applauding the medical service provider for its efforts in providing evacuation and first aid support to victims of the October 14 terror attack in Mogadishu, Education minister Abdirahman Dahir Osman said it was imperative students get basic knowledge to effectively respond during emergency situations.
Osman requested the ambulance service organization to carry out first aid awareness campaign and train students in schools and universities in Banadir region to prepare for any outcome that will need quick health attention.
“As we know, Aamin Ambulance service did a lot of work on emergency rescue on the 14th October where many people were saved thanks to their efforts and with the grace of God. On behalf of the government and my ministry in particular I extend our big gratitude to them for their effort,” the minister said.
Osman noted schools must implement emergency rescue programmes to mitigate harm during emergency cases especially because of security challenges in the country. We need a close collaboration with Aamin Ambulance, the minister noted.
According to the minister, emergency rescue and first aid programmes have been incorporated into the national syllabus. “As a ministry, this issue [emergency rescue] is among our top priority awareness and we have included in the curriculum on how the teachers and the students can respond to emergency cases.”
On his part, Dr. Abdirahman Abdikadir, the chairperson and founder of Aamin ambulance service confirmed the agreement between his organization and the ministry of education on training of students on first aid program. Educational institutions will be provided with the phone contacts of the ambulance provider for easy communication any time their service is needed.
“Most of our financial supporters are teachers and students especially those in the tertiary level. Now the ministry has sought our help and we are grateful to help them the way we can,” said Aamin whose company provides free emergency services in Banaadir.
Dr. Abdukadir emphasized the need to invest in ambulance services not just to help during time of explosions but also in all other emergency medical cases.
“Ambulance service is needed by all Somalis not to rescue bomb explosion victims but also for a pregnant mother, children suffering from diarrhea and any other person who is very sick. Truly my appeal is for every Somali to participate in this matter.”
He informed the general public to have an emergency kit in their homesteads to address minor health problems. “It is recommended that every household to have emergency kit” Dr. Abdikadir added.