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Bondhere administration in Banadir region opens free school

The administration of Bondhere district in Banadir region has announced that it has opened free school where the children from IDP camps in the district can get free education.
Bondhere district commissioner Kasem Abdullahi speaking to Gob Jog FM said that his administration has signed agreement with a local NGO that will pay teachers salaries and manage the school for three years.
Mr. Qassim added he hopes that the free school will change the lives of students who hail from poverty stricken communities in the area and improve the level of education.
He also said the administration has renovated and expanded one MCH that will work 24 hours with two ambulances.
Mr. Qassim finally said the internally displace people in the district are in poor humanitarian conditions and sent appeal to the international humanitarian agencies to deliver emergency support to the IDPs.
