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President Mohamud heads to Galmudug to bolster war on Al-Shabaab

Storyline:National News, Security

GOOBJOOG NEWS|DHUSAMAREB: President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud is today heading to Dhusamareb, the capital of Galmudug state where sources say he will be shoer support for the Somali National Army which is fighting the militant group in the central Somalia region.

According to sources privy to the visit, President Mohamud will also be touring areas which were liberated from Al-Shabaab control in recent months.

The President will travel to Eeldheer and Harardhere in Mudug and Galgadud regions respectively. The President’s confidence building for the troops comes ahead of the planned Second Phase of the operation set to focus on South West and Jubaland states.

Sources add that the troops will be deployed in Elbur, Wabho and Galgareeri towns of Galgadud region as the offensives intensify. Egyptian, Eritrean and Uganda-trained forces are leading the operations there.

Hiiraan governor Abdullahi Ahmed Maalin Sufurow told journalists another round of operations will cover areas in the West of Hiiraan region, especially those located along the Shabelle River.