Puntland to send doctors and medical supplies Wednesday to Mogadishu

Puntland President Abdiweli Gaas said Tuesday his cabinet had approved a team of doctors, nurses and medical supplies to be dispatched to Mogadishu noting all Somalis must stand and in one voice and condemn those behind the attack.
“As Somalis, we need to stand together against this merciless enemy. The outcome of the meeting was the quick dispatch by tomorrow of the first relief made up of medical supplies, doctors and nurses. In the coming days Puntland will also take part economically in a significant way,” said president Gaas.
The move adds to increasing domestic and international response to the relief efforts. Qatar and Kenya sent airplanes Tuesday to airlift victims of the attack for treatment in their respective countries. A US military plane also landed in Mogadishu Tuesday with medical supplies. This adds to Monday response from Turkey which sent medical supplies and airlifted 35 others to Tukey. Djibouti also sent a team of 30 doctors and nurses to Mogadishu.
Puntland government also appealed to the business community in the region to contribute to the relief efforts. It also announced the formation of a committee to support the relief efforts.