SIMAD university holds 2nd annual public policy conference

SIMAD University held its second annual Conference on Economics, Public Policy, and Administration Development (CEPAD2017) this past week bringing together students, university dons and professionals in respective areas.
The one day conference running on the theme Creating a Better Future for Somalia’ presented opportunities for knowledge sharing through presentations, plenary sessions and awards for best students whose research papers stood out.
Former minister Gen. Jama Mohamed Ghalib who is also a lecturer in the university and senior Al-Jazeera journalist Mohamed Ahmad Abdullahi were the key note speakers. Both made insightful presentations on Somali Political History in the plenary session of the conference.

In a statement Sunday, the university said more than 25 experts and scholars shared ‘conclusive insights and presented an opportunity for others to learn from’.
Dr. Guna Sankar, Professor at SIMAD University- Faculty of Management Sciences said the conference was unique and highly successful because of the blend of participants raising questions and comments to the presenters. “This is the real participation”, he said.
SIMAD University acting Rector Mohamud Mohamed Alasso said the conference contributed to the development of the nation. “We are happy to bring together intellectual researchers, academics, practitioners and students in the discipline of economics and public policy to share their productive, awakening analysis and stories in a lively and stimulating atmosphere.”