WFP seeking 416 mln USD for famine prevention in Somalia

XINHUA|MOGADISHU: The World Food Programme (WFP) said Monday it requires 416 million U.S. dollars for the next six months to prevent famine in Somalia.
WFP said the funds, required between November and April 2023, include a 356-million-dollar shortfall for life-saving relief food and nutrition assistance.
“Assessment results are anticipated in late November and will further inform understanding of the current food security and nutrition situation and define new projections for the January to June 2023 period,” WFP said in its famine prevention response situation report released in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital.
WFP said a new food and nutrition security assessment in areas projected to face or be at risk of famine is currently underway across the country, adding that the humanitarian food assistance provided by WFP and humanitarian partners has staved off the worst outcomes so far, but sustained assistance is critical in the coming months.