Presidential candidate Abdulkadir Osoble re-elected MP in HirShabelle

GOOBJOOG NEWS/JOWHAR: Presidential candidate Abdulkadir Osoble was Monday night re-elected in Jowhar earning him a second term in the Lower House.
The HOP140 seat saw two contestants jostle for the seat; Abdikarim Elmi Tifow and Abdulkadir Osoble Ali, who had held the seat for the past 10 years.
Abdulkadir Osoble Ali who is vying for the presidency on Ilyas party ticket won the seat with 76 votes while his only challenger, Abdi Karin Elmi Tifow got 22 votes, and lost 3 votes.
Three seats are yet to be filled In Jowhar, with the seat of the late MP Amino Mohamed, Abdikadir Arabow Ibrahim and Mina Shibis still vacant nearly a month after the March election deadline elapsed.