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Election of HOP106 seat set for today in Jowhar

GOOBJOOG NEWS/JOWHAR: The HirShabelle State Elections Implementation Team is today set to hold elections for the HOP106 seat in Hirshabelle’s capital Jowhar.

The HirShabelle electoral team has awarded certificates of candidacy to six candidates running for the HOP106 seat, which was previously reserved for women and was held by Mino Hassan Shibis for the past few years.

The HOP106 seat will today be contested by five men and a woman, and the following are the names of the candidates:

1. Osman Mohamed Mohamud (Xaadole)

2. Bashir Mohamed Yusuf

3. Shadoor Haji Mohamud

4. Fowziya Sheikh Ali Mohamud

5. Yusuf Abdi Abdulle

6. Yahye Abukar Aden