Timeline of Main News Events in Jubbaland for the Month of May, 2015

Our new Regional State Check series seeks to provide an informed up to date understanding of the major developments in Somalia.
We focus on the stories which make the headlines in the respective regional states aided by our team of reporters stationed in all parts of the country.
This month we take a look at Interim Jubba Administration, IJA.
Ahmed Madobe on May 15, 2013 was elected as interim Jubbaland president by more than 500 delegates representing tribes and sub-tribes in the region.
In August of same year, Federal Government of Somali sent a high level delegation headed by ex-minister for Justice Farah Ma’alin to the Ethiopian capital Addis to negotiate a deal with Jubba-land Administration to bring to an end the political circus which had been ongoing for quite a while.
These are some of the major developments in the month of May.
May 2, 2015: The Jubbland State president Ahmed Madobe lands Garowe to participate talks between regional leaders and Federal president Hassan Sheik Mohamoud.
May 3, 2015: at least five people including the district commissioner of Elwaq district and two of his guards wounded when explosion went off inside the district.
May 5, 2015: Jubbaland president visits Moqadishu to meet United States of America secretary of State John Kerry who was on official visit to Somalia.
May 13, 2015: The chairman of Jubbland Chamber of Commerce Shafi Rabi Kahin calls business community to invest in Jubbaland.
May 15, 2015: Second deputy of Jubbaland State president Suldan Abdiqakir Haji accuses Somali Federal Government for supporting what he termed spoilers inside the Federal parliament.
May 18 2015: Somali defense Minister paid a visit to Kismayo discussing Jubbland Authority the issue of army integration and he also visited a number of military barracks in Kismayo state before returning to Mogadishu days later.
May 18, 2015: Somali FederalParliament introduces a motion against Jubbland assembly which they said was unfairly formed and doesn’t truly represent communities in the region.
May 20, 2015: Somali defense Minister with Jubbaland officers visited the front lines of Somali Military and AMISOM in Bulugud village 30km away from Kismayo
May 22, 2015: Somali defense Minister and vice president of Jubbland visited a military training camp in Gob-weyn village. Jubbland vice president General Fartag expressed his happiness to see Somali National Army resurrection efforts.
May 23, 2015: Somali Federal Parliament failed to vote out Jubbland State Parliament after intense opposition from other MPs inside Federal Parliament.
May 23, 2015: Jubbland President Ahmed Madabe accused Somali Federal Parliament and the parliament speaker scathingly, saying they are taking country for nowhere and this kind of motion are nothing but provocative aggression against Jubbland. He also warned these kinds of motions will damage the relationship between Jubbland and Federal Government.
May 24, 2015: Jubbland assembly opposes unanimously the introduction of motion against them by Federal Parliament in Mogadishu.
May 25, 2015: The Jubbaland regional administration has received the delivery of rare military hardware donated by United Arab Imarets. The military vehicles included 5 bullet proof Caspirs, 18 4WDs, 8 trucks meant to ferry troops, and 4 ambulances.
May 26, 2015: Somali Prime Minster Omar Abdirashid paid a visit to Kismayo to end a raw between the Federal Government and Jubbaland State after Federal Parliament introduced a motion againt Jubbaland State assembly.
May 27, 2015: Heavy rain has flooded the makeshift camp in Kismayo,. The rain destroyed many houses including makeshift house for IDPs. The president of the Jubba Region Administration Ahmed Madoobe told reporters in Kismayo that his administration asked aid organizations, the government and well-wishers to bring humanitarian aid to the victims of the heavy-rain.
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